Course Description
Attracting the right candidate is the biggest
challenge facing business today. Traditional
recruitment tools are not as effective as they have
been in the past. Too many operators think that that
recruitment is solely the people departments
responsibility, in fact it is every leaders
responsibility. They can directly impact recruitment
through social media by building their following and
showcasing both their own and the businesses USB, thereby encourage people to apply for jobs long before vacancies are announced
Key Learning
How to become an employer of choice - what employees want today?
Audit your current business and leadership
Identify your business and leaders USP (unique selling point)
Develop a dash board - Glassdoor is TripAdvisor for employers
The role of LinkedIn and social media in recruitment and how to improve your profile and employee attraction
Practical tips and hints to attract talent outside of the job advert
Anyone who need to find more of the right people, from HR to leaders.